We will add your edited Bandana Mask (developers choice) texture to a clothing piece in game. The texture template will be edited by you.
If you purchase anything from this category, you agree to all fee's associated with any purchases or refunds due to not meeting the requirements listed.
You must:
1. Be ALLOWLISTED and APPROVEDĀ members of the Prodigy RP GTA Server with an account in good standing. This means you must have the Allow listed discord tag, Allow listed website tag and no outstanding server bans or player reports.
2. Have established yourself in the community in some form. (Discord activity, player activity etc..)
3. Pass a vetting process for any suggested asset 3D or otherwise. Prodigy RP has the right to deny your suggestion or submission at any time.
4. Not breach Twitch, Facebook, Youtube or Kick terms of service by display of any material in your 3D or visual asset. Any materials that could be deemed to breach or put at risk anyone streaming or recording to these platforms will be denied.
5. Wait for a developer to open a ticket to deal with your request and reply to any questions in a timely manner.
6. Agree that 3D assets can take time to complete - our goal is to create these in a timely manner however depending on the size of the queue asset completion can be longer than expected.
7. Agreed that you understand that we do not push special patches for anyone, and your assets will only be added on our normal patch cycles where capacity is available to do so.
8. Agree that you have no right or expectation to an assets request for removal. We will accommodate reasonable content removal requests only when development time is available and where appropriate ownership can be proven. In cases of shared ownership disputes, we will not remove the asset until all owners of the asset agree.
9. Attest to the fact you have permission to use the asset from the original author and current owners through written agreement or purchase.